Rebecca- Unit 5

Unit 5 working to a brief 
You have to sign it, it describes exactly what is required of you. it will mention time frames, pay, deadlines etc
used when large amounts of money is offered or if their is a lack of trust, by signing you are forced to agree with the terms. legal action is taken when requirements are not followed.
You can alter the contracts agreements, it gives more leeway, you have more of a creative vision
used when client may not know what they want so they leave it up to the employee to work out the finer details.
A document that outlines specification of a product or service. it is well structured in a neat order. uses formal language, it should be properly explained to the employee, it may have clients logo on it.
A short piece of text or email that request someone to do some work for them, it doesn't have to be written it can be verbal, this is most used between friends when very little money is involved
a client commissions a company to fulfil a brief, given to company who the client has relations with this is done instead of the brief going to tender. this saves time on looking for potential employees they go to company of choice.
brief open to the public, this kind of brief allows for a wide range of people with a spectrum of talents to create products which is based on the brief for free. only winners will get the prize or award this means less money is spent on a product and you have a wealth of different ideas to choose from.
similar to competition. requires a client to post a brief that is open to outside companies after receiving the brief the companies pitch to the clients to vi for the work, the best will be selected and then they will be given the chance to work for the client developing ideas and creating products.
two or more companies are contracted to work on the same assignment this may be done for a number of reasons- multi skilling one company may not have the expertise to complete all the assignments alone, tight deadlines if the deadline is too short two companies will finish it faster.

Reading a brief
you must pay attention to what kind of brief it is. by knowing what it is it will help you when coming up with ideas.
Final dates
What is required

Negotiating your brief 
brief a negotiable to extent
check if things dont make sense
changing the deadline or the budget.
give yourself time
ask if you dont understand
make sure you understand the contract and agree with expectations
new skills
self development
multi skilling
gain contacts
communications skills
meet clients of important people in the industry

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